Why you should bring your resume to an interview

Last updated: February 14, 2025
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Kai Dickerson
Community SpecialistBullet point
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Why you should bring your resume to an interview
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Always bring a printed copy of your resume to an interview. It’s even better to bring a copy for each person you may be interviewing with that day. Speaking with three people? Bring four copies. Why? It’s possible the interviewer didn't have time to print it out themselves, or they may invite an additional interviewer to join your interview.

Bringing a copy of your resume to the interview shows the hiring manager that you’re well prepared and professional.

What to know about bringing your resume to your interview

**Carry the copies of your resume in a portfolio or sturdy folder. **If you don’t need them, you won’t be in the awkward situation of finding a place to put them.

With your resume on hand, you can call out a few of your strengths that don’t naturally come up during your conversation. Be sure not to read directly from the paper, because you know your work experience, skills, and attributes better than anyone.

Include a notepad and a few pens in your portfolio or have them with you. More than one pen is good idea so you aren't stuck with one that doesn't work.

Jot down questions or reminders as the interview progresses. Your notepad is a great place to write down the questions you want to ask your interviewer(s). If asked “Do you have any questions for me?” you can use your notes rather than relying on memory alone while under the stress of an interview.

What if you forget to bring your resume to the interview?

Here are a couple strategies to consider if you make this mistake:

  • Being early to the interview can help you out of this pickle. If you are, politely ask the receptionist, office manager, or HR representative who greets you if it’s possible for them to print it for you. We all make mistakes. Be sure express gratitude for their help (or their willingness to help)

  • Mobile phone to the rescue. Be sure to keep a copy of your resume on your mobile device, if possible. There are downloadable apps like the Jobcase app, Google Docs, and Microsoft OneDrive where you can store and access your resume(s). If you don’t have a copy and neither does your interviewer, you can provide it immediately. Show yourself as an effective problem solver!

More articles on preparing for an interview 
1 Comment


Georgia Whittemore
Bullet point

Sage advice, and I was offered almost every job I interviewed for. Enter COVID- I’ve had 15 interviews - all virtual. No luck. Unemployed for the first time and can’t afford rent. (Teacher with a Masters degree)
