Listen carefully so this doesn't happen to you.
FACT: Many people let go of their dreams because of...
- Age factor.
- Social unrest.
- Past experiences.
- Family pressures.
- Who the heck knows?
The point is, while these all may be legitimate reasons, if they go unresolved they can cause your dreams to float in the opposite direction in life.
ACTION: Regain your strength; hold yourself up; keep your senses in-place; it's on the way.
Again, don't let go of your dreams! Unknowingly, they will come to pass if you act accordingly.
I Believe You Can...!
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I'm telling you the truth...(Optional Reading.)
SITUATION: Are you trying to reach more people at a single bound? Do you need others to expand your products and services without delay?
TURNKEY: There is no single-scope approach that pans out better than the rest.
First, you have to reach people's hearts, second, you can inspire their minds.
I Believe You Can...!
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I'm telling you the truth...(Must Read Without Failure.)
Some times we accomplish nothing worthwhile in life, because we're sitting like crushed ice. Why?
Because we're so busy trying to please other people in life, that we often forget to pay attention to ourselves.
Listen carefully, don't sit like the crushed ice underneath someone else's feet and difference of opinions.
No, no, no, no, no..!
Remember to follow your own dream. Then, your life will never be the same.
I Believe You Can...!
#interview #resume #jobsearch #motivation #hiringnews #veterans #hiringevents #unemployment #aboutmyjob #stressful #ageism #termination #advice #application #workfromhome #jobsearch #inspired #coronavirus #foodservice #veterans

I'm telling you the truth...(Must Read Without Failure.)
Someone wrote me a note saying.. "Man it's so hard..." What can I do?
First, you're "doggone" right it's so hard, however, don't give-up. Just read the note below that repeatedly inspires billions of people around the globe.
Second, get a Black/Red ink pen, a sheet of paper, then write down five(5) things you do well.
Third, number them in order of favor according to your feelings and abilities to succeed.
Fourth, meditate over them for 5 -7 minutes then walk away quietly.
Finally, come back at the 10 minutes mark, and circle one with the RED pen. That's your passion.
Follow your PASSION and your life will never be the same. Take Charge of Your Life Now.
I Believe You Can...!
For Job Related Questions Only! Edward Alexander @ edalexx@gmail.com
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I'm telling you the truth...(Read Before Bedtime.)
Some things of such profound nature, you may not find them in the books. You have to attend specialized training, seminars or shadow sessions for specialized insight..
How do you get hired quickly?
I Believe You Can...!
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I'm telling you the truth...(Read Without Failure.)
Perhaps, the No. 1, downfall in life may come when people simply fail to believe in themselves.
Then, the soil and fertilizer of growth in their life, begins to wither away.
Don't let this happen to you.
SI, what if you believe in yourself?
Listen, nothing grows in life without one drop of water. Then, everything else grows to an enormous size. (See illustration below.)
If this was the last drop of hope, what would you do? Would you ask for growth? (John 14:14)
I Believe You Can...!
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I'm telling you the truth...
People, sometimes we miss their flight in life..!
Don't let this happen to you.
We're so busy doing everything else of least importance. For example, taking care of matters on TV, family, friends, extended relatives, fights, arguments which can rob our value of of time.
So, let's slow it down a little bit. Okay, slower, slower, slower, and slow. Now, guess what? You actually missed out on yourself.
Who you were suppose to become? What about the relationship between you and your husband or wife?
Don't miss your flight in life of learning about YOU! What your dreams are? What your promises are?
When you remember your "inner self" then, everything else will fall-in-place for you.
I Believe You Can...!
#interview #resume #jobsearch #veterans #retail #hiringnews #motivation #ageism #coronavirus #inspired #ridesharedriver #advice #faith #aboutmyjob #stressful #truckdriver

I'm telling you the truth...(Definitely Read Without Failure.)
A bird has two options in life, and he knows them both. Also, he's certain that 3 or 4, perhaps 5 or 6 options may emerge in flight. Absolutely Not!
So, he's just sure of these two lonely options:
OPTION 1. To Fly. OPTION 2. To Fail.
Now, each morning he wakes up knowing that one life-changing option can bring him success, if he applies it. Okay?
That means 1 out of 2, must work because he doesn't have a third option. That is, if he FALLS to the ground all options are dead onsite.
Now, stay with me please! You my friends have a different and special aspect in life. You are endowed with "greatness and creativity" and only YOU can create a third option to prevail.
You can fly with the birds and take the same risks in life, or soar with the eagles and stay out of sight.
Please, "mount up on eagle's wings" and SOAR. Because above all unseen things, yes, greateness awaits you, if you try. (Isa. 40:31)
I Believe You Can...!
#motivation #resume #interview #application #hiringnews #positivity #coronavirus #advice #ageism # #ridesharedriver #aboutmyjob #faith #unemployment #stressful #retail #jobsearch #truckdriver #veterans

I'm telling you the truth...(Should Read.)
Yes, it seems like time is the most value asset you have. It could be. However, my friends, don't forget about your mindset.
We wake-up each morning and do the same old things, yet, we're expecting different results. That's how it is..!
Rules To Remember:
Find a measure of happiness in yourself.
Don't blame yourself for every condition.
All you need is one silly idea, to produce savy successes.
Great possibilities, grow from marginal steps.
Start believing in yourself for new beginnings, and small changes.
Write down a few things you really want in life.
I Believe You Can...!
#jobsearch #interview #resume #motivation #hiringnews #veterans #coronavirus #ridesharedriver #unemployment #aboutmyjob #stressful #truckdriver

I'm telling you the truth...
Recruiting have timely schedules and their time swooshes pretty fast. I know, because I'm working with and through them on different projects.
So, the moral of the story is...you only get one "teeny weeny" shot to get it right. Therefore, make your best shot count.
Then, everything else will fall-in-place for you.
I Believe You Can...!
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