Know what you are worth and play well with others!

Find another trade

I love the people come in

I work in deli made pizzas and salad and what the boss wanted me to make bread sticks chicken

Interview with a male hair down , dress and heals With a female hair up , flats with a suit And on the way out if you want the job tell them before leaving

if you are young and your boss hasnt liked you since day one leave while you can find a different opportunity they will find a way to get rid of you

Find another job and during the interview inform them that you are laid off and could be called back to work. It is better to be honest and possiblly not get the job then to not tell them about being laid and get the job only to quit to go back to work. Not letting the new job know would look bad when references are asked for in the future.

I wish we had the technology back then or more knowledge of how to become a entrepreneur I am older today and not familiarized with this

All people