Tell me something you believe strongly that almost no one agrees with you on.

The number one KPI is employee satisfaction. You have to understand that your team is what makes the business run. If you take care of your team, your team will take care of your business.

There are times when you do something for purely altruistic reasons. Not for money or career advancement or personal gain or corporate aggrandizement. Just because it’s the right thing to do. Almost nobody agrees with that reason for doing things.

I believe everyone deserves a second chance

Not all jobs prefer high productivity over high quality. If you are wired to just want to "pump" your productivity numbers (I can make more pizzas than you!) eventually the quality will reveal a lack thereof (oh no, the unhappy customer said it was under-cooked!). Seems the world is being accelerated by high-productivity practices, hence why the necessary Quality Control workers are less popular positions and often paid less. I'm a QC kinda guy.

I sing very well

God centered life, creates order, fairness, and blessings only God gives, like being a grandma!

That other people’s opinion belongs to them, not me.

Not related to any jobs. ( Day to day activities ). Bicycling on sidewalks in Miami, Florida should NOT BE ALLOWED !!!

The Bible says trust in the love with all of your heart and lead not to your own understanding acknowledge Him in all your ways and he will direct your path walk in the spirit and we won't fulfill the lust of the flesh who will be saved but those that endure to the end the Bible say they shall be saved
Must have strong belief in God to succeed. This belief drives discipline, and motivation, and allows for an exceptional work ethic .