Hello Larry, I am retired, interested, and want to hear more.

Awesome job. Amazing what we can do when resist and determined.

While I commend you on the task that you took on which was outside of your job description. You run the risk of first getting injured in a fall from climbing onto the roof. Two I don’t believe it was in your job description to do. From my own experience the company could care less about the extra work you do outside what you were hired for! I worked in a bank before as a Branch Manager and was asked to manage an additional branch with no additional compensation. The company was up for sale and just before the sale my position was terminated. It was given to a new accounts clerk. A few months later the bank went insolvent and was taken over by another bank.


Ensuring the client's needs are met with care, patience, respect, and attention. All the qualities. we ourselves would want. For ourselvlamily, Friends,

Great Kenneth. We buy part there, for our yacht. Wonderful people. GOD BLESS.

I learned in 1 year English, and applied for a job at the City of Fort Lauderdale.

Combination of finance, accounting has worked very well for both myself and employer

Starting my own company many years ago
As part of taking risks as an IT contractor last year 2024 I accepted a job to for West Marine - Boat Supplies they need someone to troubleshoot their AC and install a commercial thermostat for their store. I had no formal electrical background except I had install 2 Nest Thermostats in the same year.
I was told by the store manager the unit was on the roof and had no ladder. I proceeded to unmount the old thermostat, took pictures of the wiring configuration, the detached everything and connected a mount the thermostat and used my laser temp reader from Home Depot that I bought for this job, did my temp readings through out the store. The last step I needed to climb on the roof somehow with no ladder. I surveyed the outside of building walked up an embankment behind the business squeezed my body through an area not meant for walking behind the store’s shopping wall and ended up walking to an area where I could see the stores roof. I got closer but need to hop another fence, swing around a pole to be able to lower myself on the roof and was able to apply the asset tag sticker for the thermostat onto the exterior ac evaporator/condenser housing. I was then able to pull myself up the chain link fence, got back up on the embankment and then walked causally around to the front of the store with a big grin on my face knowing I pulled off the out of scope type job.