Fair Chance to Succeed

Fair Chance to Succeed

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Jerilyn Brown
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

In 2024, the list of companies participating in the Second Chance Hiring Initiative is growing. Companies are beginning to discover that utilizing the reentry population reaps huge benefits to their work force, their communities and the participants of the initiative programs that are rapidly becoming a viable resource. Many companies are finding that those in reentry programs are often more reliable, harder working and dedicated to making their jobs long term careers. These initiatives are a win-win for all involved.

In 2024 there are more opportunities than ever for those with criminal backgrounds to find gainful employment. If you are seeking a job with a business that will offer you the chance to start fresh, support your family and contribute to your community, take a look at this extensive list of employers that belong to these initiative programs.

When looking for a good fit for your needs, consider what skills and experience you possess including any hard skills you acquired while incarcerated as well as soft skills you possess. These include the ability to communicate well, active listening, keen observation & attention to detail, negotiating, problem solving and adaptability.

Reentry jobs

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Finding a job is a job in itself. The Jobcase Fair Chance to Succeed Group has many posts addressing best practices, tips and guidance on resumes, letters of explanation for gaps in employment, advice for interviews and more.

Be sure to ask questions here if you're unsure of where to start or if you need resource information. There are other members here with experience to help guide you. No matter what your journey, giving up should never be an option and neither should returning to old behaviors. We're here to help where we can, the rest is up to you 👍

#hiringnews #motivation #fairchancetosucceed #secondchances

Ronny Sweat
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Iv bee locked up and sence my release I've had a problem getting work.

Bullet point
4 months ago

It's ridiculous that I'm 40 years old and can't get a job. I say job because career is obviously inevitable at this point because of my criminal history. I've always worked in the restaurant business because they don't do background checks. All these jobs that say they are equal opportunity is baloney! I was charged in 2012 with Involuntary Manslaughter. If anyone is familiar that means accident. I was on drugs and have had my life together since then. Unfortunately I am a victim of the opioid epidemic. A Dr prescribed me Percocet in my teens then just cut me off in my 20s. I didn't understand why I was sick until I had someone tell me your dope sick. I had no clue what that was but she told me heroin would make me feel better and it did. I struggled off and on for years. Then was the accident. I went to prison and boot camp. I came home in 2015 and did ok for awhile. I was on parole and then we lost our place to live. If you don't have an address for state parole u go to a halfway house and that was not an option I would not leave my son's. I then went off the grid and went back to jail, because of this I was resentenced in 2019. Now when places do background checks it looks like I was just in trouble for that so the 7 Year check back won't be up for 2 more years. I've put in so many applications and been on so many interviews but keep getting shot down regardless of how "Great" I am. Why do places say they hire felons and are equal opportunity when that's the biggest lie! If anyone can help with a job PLEASE #advice #stressful #jobsearch #equalopportunityisalie #Icanbarelyfeedmychildren #someonepleasehelp #hasthishappenedtou #anyjobsavailable #imputtingmyselfoutthere

Ness Lerma
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

i would not change a thing, it was the best job i had ever. i was super sad when i was fired by Jim a perverted man as soon as he got promoted. I did not make a fuss but my life has not been the same since. finding a job is impossible because im a felon but OP hired me and gave me the chance.

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Janice Reed
Community SpecialistBullet point
Community Specialist

Good question! Your ease in getting a job when you have a record may depend on your location. Some states and cities have passed laws to "ban the box" that asks applicants whether they've been convicted of a felony, however not all have. To find out which states currently have laws in place to protect applicants from discrimination based on their past I would check out this article that includes a map of all states that have "banned the box."

I would also check out Jobcase's second chances resource center for more information that may help you find resources around this issue. Wishing you all the best of luck in your job search!

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Vience Phagans
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I was sent to jail but bonded out my job said I had no call no show but let my mother called and told them I would be home in a week. I was a good worker, came in early to help out and somebody told I was fired but they sent me my paperwork and said I resigned. I never sign anything and loved my job. Now I am looking for work and can't find anything. Can any one help out.

Jeremy Alvarez
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I am currently incarcerated in the Lewis prison in AZ. I am taking part in a work based program that Gov Doug Ducey has going on. I get out in 1 week and am nervous. I want to succeed and I need a job ASAP. Any job leads anybody has I appreciate it if you let me know. Thank you for your help.

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Devin White
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I’m 22 years old with a felony and two kids to support. I really need something work from home like data entry since my daughter is still nursing. Any ideas ?

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Thomas Ryan
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Just sharing, as I filed a case for discrimination after a very successful 6+ months on the job, with a company that didn't do a proper background check. I am an ex offender. In my locale an employer can not ask about your background until a job offer is made. I revealed my background to the local HR, who showed little concern as a background check would be done and thanked me for being forthright. I later informed my supervisor. I was so successful in training in this startup, that I was offered and accepted the lead position, becoming the defacto trainer for new members in our team. Though the details of how I was dismissed, on the day after I received two staff commendations makes for a good story, the bottom line is that the background check did not reveal my felony, which was a federal not state, felony. In other words, though I was forthright, because the company didn't get access to my federal charge, they in essence didn't know I had a background. Best of all, which will most likely assist in winning my case, in my dismissal, they stated if they had known, they would not have hired me, which is in direct violation of the state and local law. All of that really means nothing as I lost a job I really loved and have been unemployed for now almost 3 months. Thankfully my job was to teach people how to find and keep a job and I have great skills and experience. I also have the only ace up my sleeve any job hunter can have, perseverance. Finding a job is a job. Be diligent in your approach and seek out all the help you can. Hope is not a strategy and keep an open mind.

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