I literally have applied to hundreds of employers, submitted hundreds of copies of my resume, tailored hundreds of cover letters, and attended dozens of interviews, yet I am still unemployed. I will concede that I have a non-violent, non-sexual criminal history, consisting of several convictions from over a decade ago. I was released from custody on December 26, 2023, after serving nearly thirteen (13) years in the Colorado Department of Corrections. A recent background investigation conducted by Amazon revealed only the escape conviction for which I was released. I have had many contingent offers of employment made, accepted, and tragically rescinded. My roommate, who is in a similar situation with a burglary conviction from over a decade ago, was immediately hired as a remote Candidate Support Associate by Amazon, a company renowned for its commitment to reintegrating justice-involved individuals. However, I am one signature away from being refused employment for a Locker+ Customer Service Associate role I recently applied for. I have so much work experience and a very marketable skillset that my contributions to any employer are limitless, but companies seem to prioritize scrutinizing criminal histories over recruiting qualified candidates. The desire and motivation I once had to contribute to society as a committed, loyal, and highly productive employee has sapped my life force. Do I push forward, and if so, where can I find an employer that will give me a chance?
#barrierstoemployment #can'tgetajob

Yes. Always keep pushing forward and striving tirelessly every day. Never give up.

Wish you the best. I'm in the same boat. It's hard work. Don't give up.
It's been 9 weeks, getting interviews but no offers yet. Applied to tons of jobs, follow letters & phone calls. Have a non-violent felony 10 years ago. It is hard & not giving up. Haven't had any offers yet, they usually will offer you the job first before the background check. Anyone know how far back they check?