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Julie Jakubiec
Bullet point
Sr. Talent Acquisition Manager, US Sales @Jobcase

Happy Tuesday Jobcasers! Just some thoughts on interview prep for today.. Interviewing in and of itself is really challenging, so why not make it a little easier by preparing for the questions that interviews ask 9 times out of 10. Here are some of the top interview questions and suggestions on how to answer them: 1. How did you hear about us? Answer: Make sure you’ve done your research on the company, take some time to look at their website and their careers page to gain an understanding of what it is that they do, their mission, and what attracted them to you. 2. Tell me about yourself and your experience? Answer: This is an opportunity for you to showcase yourself! Create your own “pitch” for yourself, make sure that it’s specific to the jobs you’re interviewing for and that it’s clear and concise and highlights your accomplishments. You also want to use these accomplishments to show how you will be able to bring or provide value to this role. 3. What are your greatest strengths? Answer: This is the time to talk about the professional features you have and how they’ve been beneficial in your prior roles, and are most relevant to the position you’re interviewing for. 4. What is the accomplishment that you’re proudest of? Answer: Here is a little bit of an opportunity to brag a little about yourself, but make sure that you come across as confident and not too braggy. Tell them about your track record of achieving your goals and overcoming challenging situations. 5. Why are you leaving your current role? Answer: This isn’t usually an easy question to answer depending on what the answer is. But here are a few options: a. Keep things positive! Negativity is going to hurt you in this situation, and could end up being a reason why you don’t get the job. b. Describe things in a way that it portrays you as being eager for the role that you are interviewing for, and talk about how it is a better fit given the benefits you would bring to the role. c. Keep it simple. You don’t have to go into too much detail but make sure you’re prepared and know what to say.

I could go on further but maybe I’ll save that for my next post! As always, best of luck in your searches and don’t give up! The right job is out there for you!

over 7 years ago
Brenda Cooper
Bullet point
Employment Specialist at Goodwill

It just make me so sick that so many people have to practically beg for a job even with more experience and education than you or the people conducting these interviews. This is such a degrading process and for what? Most the time you have someone who has been employed in HR only a few months who have researched these questions off the Internet and they didn’t go through all this themselves but invent more and more ways to make people beg for a job even when they already often know who they are going to hire, especially, if a state or government job. They just have legally still go through the process. I do wish you luck but even if you did your very best at this interview still will not secure you a position because you often will have someone who is either job scared themselves and rather weed out the competition or those that hire solely based on looks and appearance and I don't mean professional appearance either. This is sad that I havery to say this but it is so true and how I know is because I am an HR person too. Now you will have someone that come along and deny that this occurs but you have all seen this for yourselves and you can't lie about something that does exist. I hope when you do go to your interview process that you trust have professional people and not 3 dumb blonde thar leave you wondering how they even got in the door but it is called selection by sight and appearance and absolutely nothing to do with your education level, knowledge, intelligence oe etc. but who is will to go that extra mile under and beneath the table.

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Stacey Williams
Bullet point

Thanks very helpful

Debbie Longo
Bullet point
Legal secretary

This Is good but I would also take these questions and think about answers that are specific to the job the industry that I'm interviewing for and also what it says in the ad about the type of person that they're looking for

Alyssa Heiner
Bullet point
Opera Singer (Alyssa Koogler)

This is excellent advice, Julie! Thanks for sharing.
