Regardless of what your current status is today...employed, unemployed, searching for jobs, working on the job, leaving the job, trying to fit-in, building your brand, hoping for the best, praying not to go crazy, trying not to fall apart, disruptive family relationships, marriage relationships, friendships, and the list goes on....
- STOP...bad mouthing and tearing down yourself. (There's enough people in the audience of life that's going to do that anyway.)
- STOP...absorbing insults from other people. (They don't really know you, so why should you care?)
- STOP...allowing fear to have more presence than faith in your life. (Fear is: False Evidence Appearing Real, Faith is the expectation of things hoped for.)
- STOP...counting yourself out of the game. (All it takes is one person in the audience to like you and the rest is history.)
Regardless of what your current status is today, you can make it, if you try!
I Believe You Can...!

I was on my last job 14 years quit and went to this other job now I’m hating it been putting in applications every where just to get turned down I don’t understand

Well said!

I hope you can help me to find job.

Thanks needed this


Hi Edward Alexander I agree that you definitely need to stop bad mouthing yourself and pull yourself UP rather than push yourself down!
Thanks for the boost and message of Faith! Keep fighting and don't give up!Thanks for Your message.