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Mellisa Bennett
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Hello,y name Mellisa and I would love to start working again after taking care o

Remember to always be positive because someone else has it worse than you do. I knew that I should always stay positive but July 9th 2022 my mom and son was in a really bad car accident because the other driver was texting, needless to say my mom was killed unfortunately and my 17 yr old has problems with his L3 and L4 and also has had 2 surgery on his left foot. He was doing NJROTC to be able to go serve our country but is no longer able to do the accident. I was living with my mom to help take care of her since she had a stoke 6 months before she was killed. Since I wasn't on her lease I had 3 days for me and my two boys to leave, I wasn't working then because I was taken care of my mom. So I lost my boy's and they had to go live in Lynchburg VA with their other grandparents and I became homeless for almost 7 months. So the day my mom was killed I didn't only loss her but my kids and a place to live. But I finally got a place on Dec 25th and now have my boy's back for now, as long as I can get a good paying job to support us but I have faith and know that one day everything will work out for the best. So remember that there is always someone who is going through a lot more than you could imagine. Stay positive and keep your head held up high no matter what life throws your way because one day it will get better for you and better than you could imagine. Also stay humble, kind, and show kindness to others and help others out to if possible because no one knows what they are going through but them and when you do good for others out of your heart it also helps you feel better about yourself. Stay humble, kind, positive, helpful, caring, loving, and understanding and that will help you to be positive in your own life and bring you peace. I hope everyone enjoyed my life story and I'm truly sorry for bothering you. I hope someone has read this and is starting to feel more positive. I hope everyone has a wonderful day. #motivation #thankfulness #awareness #positiveoutlooks #understanding motivation#helpingothets " onclick="event.stopPropagation();document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('onClickTagify', { detail: 'forgivens#new outlooks


' })); return false;">#forgivens#new outlooks


over 1 year ago
Chuck Mastrototaro
Bullet point

Thank you for your story. I am 60 and going through a tough time with my small home improvement company. I'm kind of down and depressed because of it but reading your story makes me feel a little better. I am happy you made it through your terrible time and wish you all the best. Thanks.
