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Beth Yelton
Bullet point
Sales Associate at Premier Golf And Utility

So I am going to.quit my job tomorrow before I get fired. I have made a few mistakes such as billing customers without correct paperwork for rentals and now they are not going to pay. I am currently seeing a therapist for low self esteem and conflict avoidance. Problem is my boss of 20 years scares me to death. Talking to him is always hard thus the conflict avoidance problem. I am already a applying for other jobs and have many contacts that will be able to help me but jyst need some advice on how to quit. His track record has always been once you quit no two weeks get out now which I am ok with. Just need help on the initial need to talk Drafted email but that seems cowardly. What do you think?please don't tell me to stay there it's not worth what it is doing to me mentally. My adult children have noticed the difference and I want to be the person I used to be. Can't take the stress. Need a job where when you leave it's over until the next day and don't have to bring it home with you.

about 6 years ago
Bullet point

Have you quit that job yet?

Barbara Cass
Bullet point

You never get paid enough to put up with bosses that are always screaming at you. Your well being isn't worth it. You say you have other offers-check them out, anywhere is better, believe me.

Henry Mcphatter
Bullet point

Just leave for your own sanity. Its worth more than a paycheck. As for your boss, don't let any person yell and scream at you like your a child. You may be different than me but any one screaming at me in any working environment will be in for a ass kicking.

Kari Kugler
Bullet point

During an aggressive confrontation with my principal after the traumatic death of my only support system, my dog Looney, I visualized letting go of the rope in a tug of war and emotionally decided to retire. It took about two or three sessions with a counselor to confirm that decision. Something released inside of me when she forcefully criticized my performance, my health, my response to a student and ended up saying that if I came back next year, I would have to spend a significant amount of time during the summer preparing for the next school year. I realized that my life had boiled down to my teaching. I was ignoring all other aspects of my life. So I retired and returned to live again in the States after 29 years of living abroad. I had five somewhat normal months of adapting to life in the States despite the divisive noise of the 2020 election and other bitter events, when Covid hit. But I was relieved that I was not trying to teach high school from home on my computer. I have made progress with my health and I have started an interesting new part - time job. Letting go out f a difficult job situation can lead to new opportunities.

Christina H. Bradshaw
Bullet point
Front Desk Clerk at Super 8

Always better to have a face to face talk about your initial feelings and why your considering leaving your position

Joseph Moser
Bullet point

Get rid of the photo

Mike Lawless
Bullet point
Temp at Yemp

Let them fire you and get your unemployment

Veronica Salyer
Bullet point
Personal Care Attendant at Public Partnerships

Before you go any further, with any job, whether you quit or find another one, GET YOURSELF TOGETHER! You can go on YouTube and find all different ways to handle what you are going thru with your boss. If you quit, the problem will still be there, it is something that you will have to overcome, no matter what job you are on. You are still going to have to take and put up with sometimes. So take care of you first, and learn some skills on handling situations like you are going thru...Oh and sometimes it helps to face FEAR...head on...and you may find that there is nothing to be afraid of. GOD'S SPEED...

Cynthia Okonkwo
Bullet point
Human Resources Professional

Hello Beth, I had trouble accessing the site since 3/29/19, so I'm just seeing this message. First of all, I never recommend leaving your current job without a new one lined up...start date confirmed in writing. If you haven't already resigned, please follow these steps:

  1. Write your resignation letter or email and state that it serves as confirmation of your conversation with him that you are rendering your two weeks resignation.
  2. Before you go to work, stand in front of the mirror, look at yourself and repeat these positive self-affirmations: "I am confident." "I am capable." "I bring value to my profession." "My value does not lie in what others think of me." "I am a beautifully and wonderfully-made child of God who deserves the best that life has to offer." "This person has no power over me." Repeat them to yourself as many times as you need to until you start believing in yourself again. You have given your power to your manager, now you have to take it back. Remember that he is a human just like you are, so in the grand scheme of things, he has no more power than you do. Understand that since you have decided to quit anyway, you can handle his unforgiving spirit for, at most, two more weeks, because once you tell him that you are resigning, you will have taken his power. If you don't do this, just as your family can sense the difference in you, potential employers will, too.
  3. When you meet with him, have your letter in an envelope in your hand. If possible, ask to speak with him privately. Whether he honors your request or not, your meeting with him can be very short and to the point. Establish eye contact and simply tell him that you have decided to resign from your position. Tell him that you are offering a two-week notice, and tell him the exact date of your last day on the job. Tell him that you have already begun closing things out in your work area and, if you feel comfortable, ask him if he has any specific items that he would like you to address during your remaining time there. Then hand him the envelope with your letter in it. If he does not respond, turn and walk away and keep doing your job. I also recommend that you keep a copy of your letter and, if possible, follow up with an email of the same letter.
  4. I also recommend that you share your feelings about the work environment with your human resources department. If employees have been silently dealing with inappropriate treatment and not reporting it, that is why this manager acts in the manner that he does...because he is getting away with it. Even when someone makes mistakes, they should still be treated with respect. Even termination can be handled in a humane manner. The first module of my Career Search Rx self-paced training is titled "Mindset, Purpose, and Plan" which contains a section on maintaining your power. You can get it on my products and resources page for only $1 at Send me a message to let me know how things went.
    YOU GOT THIS! Sincerely, Cynthia O., CEO HR by Nnamtique
Steven Ransom
Bullet point

(I have made a few mistakes such as billing customers without correct paperwork for rentals and now they are not going to pay.) This didn't sound like a couple of mistakes. currently seeing a therapist for low self-esteem and conflict avoidance. Hmm! What really stands out to me is the fact, that you have been working for your boss for 20 years and he scares you to death ....why? would you work there for those many years if this was the case?....

Please excuse my rudeness but I have to ask and I don't mean to show a lack of refinement or social skills. DId you taking any kickback from " billing customers without correct paperwork for rentals?" and now your boss may have found out about it, or was this an honest mistake?!?! I really don't see anyone making those kinds of mistakes after 20 years of service. Beth, you don't have to answer. ...But you did post this for feedback.

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