I have been looking for another job for a year now (I graduated from college last fall and started looking last summer). I have had no luck. I was offered a new position in the company where I currently work. Title wise, it's a step down, but I won't be losing any pay. It's not in my field of study. I have so much student loan debt that I don't know if I should be taking the new position. It would offer more of an opportunity for growth than my current one, but I am afraid that if I accept it, something will come up in my field that I would love to have.

@Melissa Hidalgo Stay persistent and continue looking for other opportunities while you are still employed. When you land something, use that as an exit strategy. You have the advantage of job searching while you are still employed. Good luck! 🍀

Student debt is a terrible trap we find ourselves and is in no way, shape, nor form laughable. That saying, the debtor is slave to the lender (until we get that scary and horrible debt paid off). Maybe this other job title is possibly a disguise to a step in the right direction for your chosen career. They offered it to you for a reason. Dig a little deeper into it. If you have an inclination within you of taking the position then, take it, unless, you know in your heart and beyond any shadow of a doubt, that this new position and title will be bad for you or a complete disaster for your future. I cannot say take the job or don’t take the job. That is a choice you and you alone must make. Just make sure you have counted the cost. I hope with whatever decision you make you will be happy.

Take the new position! If there is more growth potential in the new role, embrace it for what it is... a great way to develop new skills. And do NOT leave your current role without a new position. Student debt is NO JOKE! (not that you would... I just needed to put that out there)

I think you should go for it! Even if the title is a step down, if there is room to grow than the title can be easily changed.
@Melissa Hayes Unless you truly like the current company you are working at, in spite of not doing what you are passionate about, I fail to see the dilemma; it seems that you just have to stick where you are until you find better. Its the fortune many of us live. Best luck!
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