Remind yourself that you got what it takes to do the job. Take a deep breath and believe in yourself. Know that you are wonderful. Any company who hires you are getting the best qualified candidate in the industry. Get accustomed to answering unexpected questions. Tell yourself to relax. It is not the end of the world. This is something that you must do for yourself. You are your own advocate speaking on your own behalf. There is no one who could tell your story of why you would be a great asset to the company / team better than you. Every opportunity you get to meet with a prospective employer is a win for you. Either you get the job or your get more interviewing experience. Stay present and stay focused. Listen to understand before you respond to the question. Enjoy the journey. Remember, you got this. When it's all said and done, you still got you. Good luck!

Of course honesty but I may need a minute. “Let me think that through for a minute.” I’m an introvert which I can explain and if I answer off the top of my head, I tend to want to edit and re-edit my response later.

I try my best to listen.. not do so much talking. I answer honestly and briefly.

Pause for a completely confident response

I often buy some time by commenting on the question or restating it before improvising to the best of my ability.

Working for seniors

Work hard always

Always stay in control

I think before i answer and answer with honesty
Honestly, then keeping cool & calm comes easy.