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Christine Canales
Bullet point
Non Certified Sign Language Interpreter at Waco Isd

#ScamDissection #Scam Email number twwwwwwwo: This one is arguably the hardest one I've come across.

There isn't a picture of a person's face, but there is a picture there. No gramatical errors, has first and last name both in the email and the salutations, not asking me to download anything, the website linked actually has webinar in it and looks legitimate...interviews will be over zoom, has the disclaimer at the end...

Totally legit right?


The email #domainname ends with "" which no company in their right mind would use.

The webinar link may very well be legitimate - but I'm not going to click on it until the company #verifies the employee works there (she does not). Sarah Garcia seems like a #legitimate name and isn't foreign (not that all foreign names are fraud!!! It's just a trend I've seen in scams and one that I keep an eye out for).

There's no telephone number - not a deal breaker but most #professionals have them.

No department name but a title is there.

The biggest flag in this case is the domain name. The company uses and this simply doesn't match.

If you believe you have been the #victim of a #fraud or have been contacted by a fraudulant party, please remember to report it to and the company that is being victimized.

#Tips #ScamAlert #Knowwhosinterviewing #Exposed #Email

over 2 years ago
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