Would you be comfortable sending a photo of your home office for a potential remote role? Why or why not?

It's a perfectly legit question They need to know whY kind of operating system you would be working with

I would be ok with that. They need to know you have adequate work space. Make sure it's not cluttered. You can not concentrate on a cluttered environment. It makes your mental state cluttered as well.

Great question! I can see why it could behoove an employer to verify their employee's home office, but I do think it's an invasion of privacy. Part of the remote work benefit is that different people thrive in different spaces. I have a friend who works remotely almost exclusively from their bed, but they are very dedicated and successful. It's kind of a trust exercise/occupational hazard for employers...

It's invasive. as long as i have or the employer supplies the necessary equipment for the task of the position that's all that should concern the employer but on the other hand I can also understand a request to see the space. Seeing can ensure that you have adequate space to house the equipment, or for the set up of the equipment needed to perform the job,

Yes, I have nothing to hide.

No, Why do they get a free look. If they are paying half the house note or maybe the health ins for the family.

No I would not find it invasive at all. I believe it should be an expectation of professional development to be able to show that I am prepared, willing, able and capable of providing my home office for the position.

No I would not mind

Sure, once I've got everything settled
No not at all. In order to work remotely you should have a proper office space and you should be able to show that to your employers