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It's Your Time Believe and Achieve
Life Coach, Thought Leadership, Designed Planner, Problem Solver, Peak Performance/Smiling
I'm telling you the truth...
From what I see in life, everything will move forward with or without you. Will you be there?
So, let's be candid with each other...Are you moving forward in life?
Between 1 - 3 years from present times, this question will comeback to reward you or reprimand you based on decisions you make.
Take time to...
- Focus on the "more important things in life" (e.g, yourself and the kids.)
- Give attention to meaningful and constructive things.
- Choose your associates and/or friends smartly and wisely.
- Lessen the weight from drama in your life.
- Prepare to fly higher, even if it's by yourself.
Greater things are waiting for you when "only" when make the necessary changes.
I Believe You Can...!
#faith #jobsearch #careerexpo #jobfair #careerdevelopment #unemployment #interviews
2 months ago
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