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Kimbley Sanders
Bullet point
Tax Preparer Manager at Liberty Tax

I have had several phone interviews in the past few weeks. One in particular has me very upset. I spoke with someone interviewing for " company x". The interview went great. She told that I was what the company was looking based on skills I possess. She told me I would be receiving information on when to come in for a face to face interview. She wanted to know when will I be able to start and we even discussed salary. I was excited. After a week of waiting I tried to reach out to" Ms. Y", I received an email from their hiring agent stating that the company went with someone else. Needless yo say I was devastated. I kept wondering what I do wrong. I never got the invitation to the second interview. This had happened to me twice so far. Is this a new trend with companies? Or am I expecting too much from a phone interview. Please let know your thoughts. Thanks, Kim S

about 5 years ago
Mercedes Clayton
Bullet point
Warehouse Worker at International Paper

I don't KNOW i never had that happen to me yet.just pray about it

Michele Golin
Bullet point
Project Coordinator

This happens quite often more then you think. It's unfair and misleading

Jennifer Berk
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Analytics & data leader

Sounds like companies are trying to move quickly and treating you badly in the process - they might have a candidate farther along in the interview process by the time they talk to you.

I wouldn't take the start timing and salary discussion as meaning anything other than screening questions, so I don't think you're doing anything wrong but I think those questions might be less meaningful than you're expecting so you're excited early.

You might be able to ask in the phone interview where they are in the process and if it's moving quickly. Sometimes it's good to know "I'm the first person they've talked to" vs "they have several good candidates so they might hire one before I get to a face-to-face interview." I've also seen companies speed up the process to make sure they hire a great candidate - maybe that will be you next time! Best of luck.

John Huang
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Head Of Community at Jobcase

Kimbley Sanders You may not have done anything wrong at all so no need to blame yourself. There can be situations where someone with that is a better fit applies or they find someone internally who wants the role. These things are out of your control and doesn't come down to whether you were qualified or not. Keep working on your interview stories and don't be too hard on yourself!

susan stephens
Bullet point
Shuttle Bus Driver at My Limo

The phone interview is an easy way of them getting out of a real interview. They get all the information out of you on the phone, and then move on to someone else. I had a few of these phone interviews, and nothing happened, or they email you an application with no real job available. Don't get your hopes up with a phone interview, the next time they offer one tell them you want to make an appointment for a real interview.

Olivia Mitchell
Bullet point
Motivator and a listener and Adviser.

HI Kimberly what what i can see when the called you they didn't say that you had gotten the position they was doing like a pre interview but you must realize as well that they have other applications too go over as well and its so many to choose from so they had to pick whom they thought would be just right for that position and don't think that you did something wrong because you haven't it all in what they are looking for. and sometimes we figured we are the best and we got this job tied up but then on the other hand it can be a let down because their is some one who's out there is a bit qualified so the only thing you can do is keep on putting out your resume / applications until some that's ment for you comes up. AND I DO WISH YOU THE VERY BEST AND GOOD LUCK AND HAPPY HOLIDAY TO YOU AND YOURS. GOD BLESS.

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Miriam Hernandez
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Administrative Assistant at Radiant Systems

I myself have had several phone interviews and in-person interviews and they make you feel you have the job. Then you hear back from HR or the agency representing you letting you know that I have good skills but they decided to hire someone else that met their requirments

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Patricia Donato
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Rn at Travel Nurse Augustana Siuh

PS there are many hungry recruiters out there and if you don’t like the first Recruiter you interview with then go to another company and interview with the recruiter who will jump through hoops for you because they get paid incredibly well for placing you. You deserve and are worth a good position and should not be exposed to insulting bias 1950s questions such as family questions and recruiters know how to avoid those situations usually. And the recruiter will tell you how to answer that question why you left.

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Patricia Donato
Bullet point
Rn at Travel Nurse Augustana Siuh

I’m sorry to tell you this is very normal. My husband leaded an IT staffing company and this happens all the time with a phone interview. It goes great and They end up interviewing or setting up an in person interview with somebody else. There are many staffing company submitting many candidates. Reach out to 1 or 2 Recruiters and discuss having your main relationship with the recruiter & Tell the recruiter you need a job immediately and you are open to temp to perm positions until the recruiter find you a permanent position or one of the temp positions office you a permanent position. Also ask the recruiter to take a look at your resume because that is part of their job. A majority of good recruiters will fix your resume. In addition, ask the recruiter how to answer The questions you are concerned about. A good Recruiter will go above and beyond in order to obtain a position for you. Good luck! And it is against the law to ask about children, your family and your intentions of having children.

Joshua Hearn
Bullet point
Cook at J And J Dairy Bar

Well honey it seems to me that this company somebody ain’t doing there job honey you didn’t do anything wrong everything is done by phone now days so all I can say to you is to keep your head up and go get them girl you will find you a job put it in God’s hands and let him show you the way I’m now you have a good night and stay warm it’s getting cold now outside so yeah don’t let this discourage you at all ok thank you for asking for my opinion ok thank you Joshua hearn

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