Hiring Manager: ”What are your greatest weaknesses?”
You: 😳
This #interview question is really tough, and you can pretty much guarantee it will show up in one form or another. 😒
It’s hard to talk about your own weaknesses, so don’t wait to think about them and answer on the spot…you will likely stumble through without much grace. Thinking about your weaknesses before your interview will help you answer this question with calm and confidence and in a meaningful way that will leave a great impression on the hiring manager 🙌
Check out these tips on the best way to answer this common interview question!
Follow me on TikTok and Instagram (@yourstoryunwritten) and Jobcase for more #careeradvice 💫
#jobinterview #interviewtips #interviewquestions #careercoach
How about where do you see yourself in the next 5 years,as if tomorrow is guaranteed to anyone!Watch great side hustle videos at criticalthinker.cyou
What are some other tough interview questions you’ve had to answer before?
I see myself owning my own business and helping the community