How do you choose a beginners level online class? I’m looking at different sites like (Udemy and EdX) for online classes in data programming and analytics but there’s literally a hand full of beginner level classes for each area I’m interested in learning. These fields are all new to me so I don’t really know what would be the standard course outline and tasks I should expect to learn from an entry level course. The rating is about a (4.5 out of 5) average for all them but some have higher students enrolled. Is there anything else I should be checking about the class or instructor before buying the course?
You need to determine what your "career" goal is as PRECISELY as you possibly can so that you can determine the precise knowledge/skill-set you need to add to whatever you already have, in order to satisfy the requirements of your career goal. For example, if software programming is your goal and you have NO programming experience (hardware or software) then you would need to start with an Introduction to Programming course, so that you can understand what other training you will need to become the kind of software programmer you hope to become.
Hi Hector, there are lots of sites like Khan Academy where you can take classes without paying a fee. You may want to take a couple of these first so that you're 100% sure you like the content. You can also try asking for some people in a related industry to talk to you about jobs & careers in their company/industry... and how they use those skills in their work. That way, you have a really good sense of which skills you want to build and what you'll do with them BEFORE shelling out any money. (They can also help you determine which classes are valued by the market.)
Let us know what you find out, ok?
I suggest you to commence with is a good place for people that does not know where to begin It is freet