Do you work for a living or live to work? Maybe this is just a tax bracket thing and I am in the lower ones, but I would love to be able to live a life where I didn't have to stress about my next job. And I stress because a job pays the bills, bills that need to get paid every month for me to survive. The minute I get to clock out though, I don't think twice about the day. I am tired but there are other aspects of my life that need attention. I got into a conversation recently with someone that seems to live at work, but for different reasons than I do. This person's entire world revolves around their work projects, their work peers, going out for drinks after being in the office all day, that sort of thing. They even told me they like going into the office on days like the weekend (when they are not expected to be there), to get some more done. They seem to be making bank, so I guess their hard work pays off. But, that brings me to my original question, do people usually center their lives around their jobs? Or do people work because they need to? #foodforthought #thoughts #advice

We should also be able to retire at 50. Every job should have a pension! No one can survive on social security! So what do we work and pay taxes all of our lives for? Blue collar life....🤮🤨

Working sucks....unless you work for yourself. Most owners are in it for their $, in the manufacturing industry anyway. I think it's sad to see people work 24-7. That's not how life was meant to be.

Reality Check! Yes/Si'. The person you are observing may be the glue that holds everything together. These key people are usually open to lunch chats, smoke breaks and holiday parties. Just keep your approach genuine.....

Health is everything and if you don't have money from earnings, then yes work is very close to the center of your life.

If you do what you love you never work a day in your life. I've had jobs that were to just pay the bills, but I was always doing stuff I enjoyed on my off time which always led to a position I enjoyed. If you feel like your working then I would sigest start looking for positions that you would enjoy doing. Currently I'm seeking work as a Forest Ranger because I enjoy being outdoors in nature. Will the job be boring at time, what job isn't. I'm tired of working to just make a living I'm am going to work to live.

People center their life around their passion around what drives them instinctually.They seem to be enjoying what they do.enjoying each other and of course the money.. well who knows, but that's how I see it. Plus I think we all know we need to work for a purpose a sense of accomplishment throughout our lives . Finding that joy in your employment is the key. That's the secret...lol😊

That's an interesting question

I like to work, but I mostly work because I have personal responsibilities

If I like what I do and it fulfills my need to be helpful, then yes work is more than just paying bills
there are some people who do not have friends, family or any other outlet to comromerate with the public. They my be living there life through work or thats all trhey know