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Abner Williams
Bullet point
Lab Technician at ICP/Gardner

It never fails on the journey to success that you'll definitely have setbacks, or are they really setbacks. Some people go to school for better jobs or get in programs for a trade. Some people just need to be showed once or twice and they pick up the task like they've been doing it for years. It's nothing like being turned down for something that you feel you deserve. You may not have the experience or schooling for it, but only if you can get your hands on it, you know you'll be great. When being turned down doesn't mean you're not good enough, it only means it's something better ahead. Being a Felon is an obstacle all by itself, but it's definitely not the end of the road. Pick yourself up and dust every NO! that you've received off of you, and push until you get your YES! Are you Qualified for the position? Probably not, but you definitely can bring Quality to anything you fix your hands to do. Look like, act like, and be like you're capable of doing and finishing any job you searching for. Always remember, FAILURE ISN'T FAILURE UNTIL YOU ACKNOWLEDGE IT! LETS GO!! WE ARE CHANGED!

#motivation #advice #fairchance

about 2 years ago
Angel Atiles
Bullet point
Dear Mr. AtilesI think

Yes in some cases ,but in other cases you have no choice in the matter when you have one income for years when your partner doesn't have a stable job so you can't be jumping job to job when you don't have to pay care fare with the job I had . I lived three blocks away. So when you talk about realizing over and over again it's hard when you have a family and you can't afford to jump job to job to put food in your children mouths and pay rent so they have a roof, and bills as you can realize now.And let me add I never had to work I raised my children, my grand children and at the age I went out into the world at the age 48 for the first time and to be able to work as cashier and work my way up to to pay bills,count money, head of cashers count draws when shifts were over and ran the store. So for someone who was a stay at home mom I think I did a damn good job and beside that I worked two more jobs in one day that I love working. That I start at 6:30 am until 11:30pm for six days a week. So I believe it depends on the person strive and what is important to that person and we're there at in the stage in their life.

Donna George
Bullet point

Try costco

Man Star
Bullet point
Company or Job what I can do using remote.

Thanks for the good advice. I strongly agree with that article. There are no perfect people in the world, so there are always failures and twists and turns. Of course, success is important, but I think how we get up from failure is more important. Let's all work together on the road to success without dwelling on failure. Thank you.

Steven Ransom
Bullet point

@Abner Williams, Failure is an illusion we’ve convinced ourselves is reality, and we’ll have to be willing to fail a few times before we achieve any kind of success. Failure isn’t meant to stop us from doing the things we fail at – it’s meant to help us realize and overcome our shortcomings so we can learn, grow and refine our creativity.

Failure Isn’t Really Failure. It’s just a learning curve…

Lori Jean Myhre
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Senior Carer at Self Employed

Wow! Sir, now that was a pep talk!! You seem like a genuine, down to earth fellow and I applaud you for giving people the encouragement to keep on keepin’ on! I am facing some hurdles my self, trying to find a new career at this late stage (65 next week) yikes! Trying to find something challenging yet not too physical as I’m not as strong as i was. Can’t bear the thought of being stifled in an office either! Thinking maybe a weed dispensary driver!!! Out and about, people happy as hell to see me? Heck ya, sounds better by the second!!!! LOL

Rosa Hernandez
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Digital Marketing Specialist at Freelance

LOVE your advice. We all have flaws and constantly feel insecure. Don't let the NO define us. Really needed this encouragement. Thank you!

Janice Reed
Community SpecialistBullet point
Community Specialist

WOW amazing advice! We need more supportive members like you in our Fair Chance to Succeed group. I'm gonna share your awesome quotes for sure. Thank you so much for this positive vibe!
