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Annette Butler
Bullet point

I applied to a position that came up within a certain salary range within within my search criteria. The job title seemed impressive and the job description seemed to indicate the job was rather robust. I get an e-mail to have a 30 minute phone interview. I was excited thinking this would be a good job with a good company. I have the call this morning and within 2 minutes the recruiter tells me the job pays $17 an hour. I almost dropped my phone. Now, I'm not knocking the pay as for some people that would be considered good. Or you would be ok with that pay scale. I am looking for jobs that pay considerably more than that and fits within salaries I have made. Besides that, these companies want you to do so much for the position yet don't want to pay you anything for it. I'm so darn frustrated! It's like a bait and switch situation. They make the job seem all of that then when you talk to a company recruiter it turns out to be a big nothing and further, want to pay you nothing. I think that on these online job sites the companies should have to put salaries associated to the position. This way no one is wasting their time applying for positions that turn out to be something they don't want.

Why can't companies just be up front about salaries so people l don't continue to get screwed?

almost 5 years ago
Lenin Pina
Community SpecialistBullet point
Community Specialist

Hi Annette Butler , most employers use these alluring job duties, salary and benefits tactics mainly to attract the best candidates without exposing too much information their their competitors can use to leverage talent from their hiring pools.

Employers also have more negotiating power and can alter pay and/or compensation packages to fit the job candidates actual experience and hiring desirability.

I know, all this seems like the employment balance is unfairly tipped towards the employer, right!

Well, not necessarily. Most employers count on a job seekers inability to negotiate salary. In fact, job seekers are routinely told to refrain from salary related questions until the job offer phase of the hiring process but fail to do so out of fear of losing the job opportunity.

Know your worth! Speaking confidently about your previous education and work related accomplishments adds to your value for the organization. Our ability to speak to our strengths and key skill sets allows us to even out the employment balance and encourage the desire to negotiate for all the parties involved in the hiring process.

We're you given an opportunity to negotiate the salary or did you just decide to turn down the job?

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