Sometimes the job application will indicate how many #references you need. If you're unsure, aim for three quality references. Here's how to approach picking your references:
- Determine the type of role you're looking for
- Consider individuals you may know at the company
- Identify connections between your network and someone who works at the company
Did you know you can make connections right here on Jobcase? Go to a users' profile and click "Connect" -- this is a great way to build your professional network. #connections #jobsearch


Depends on the job and the breadth of your connections

Three or four references

Three with first hand knowledge of your work. Knowing you for some time. No friends!


I think it's always a good idea to have at least 3 references: 1 Manager, 2 Coworkers.


I got approved last february... they requested all this extra info about me to verify it was me. I did what was asked... still haven't gotten that money. .. a year later.

Three or four references.
I have requested to be connected with you...I need all the community Specialist in helping me navigate Jobcase and find a work from home Data input job...I worked in the Oil Industry for over 30 years...retired 4 years ago...at 73 I know I can more than handle a work from home Data input job...so any help will be appreciated...thank you