At the end of the night after a few beers a man assaulted me without rhyme or reason. Him and his friends. He bummed a cigarette then he and one of his friends assaulted me. assaulted me. I fractured my skull. I got fired for it as a server. It was because I’m a bad man?? Such a burden for my family.

Some crucial information is missing. We’re you fired because of attendance and having to miss time? Did you attempt to file for FMLA while you were recovering. Did this happen at your place of employment. It’s a challenge to offer advice without these pieces of information.

See a lawyer

What was said? A little extra 🍸 and I have said the wrong thing.

@Andrew Garrity I'm so sorry this happened to you! It is so awful to hear that you were fired because of this incident as well, sounds really unfair. I second @Reena B. about the police report, having that could help you make a case that this was an unjust termination. Did they explain what the reason was for your termination? It certainly is NOT because you're a bad man, these acts of violence have much more to do with the perpetrator, and you are the victim here. I'm sorry this is having an impact on your family as well, can you file for unemployment while you get this sorted out? Is there a lawyer that will consult with you for an hour for free nearby? If this happened while you were on the clock and it was a customer who assaulted you, you may be entitled to more than just your job back, in that situation it becomes more of a liability for the restaurant itself. Let us know a few more details if you can, and know this Community will be here for you on your journey no matter what! 💙💙

That's awful. Why did they say you are fired? Was their a police report done. Are you on the hook for the medical expense?
This happened to you & then you’re asking if you’re a bad man? Use your common sense