I've moved here in March and had a job but they said I needed to finish getting my GED. I'm working on it but my school paid programs for phlebotomy school as long as we get our GED and I thought that would help but no so it's hard still hard finding a job.
San Antonio is hard with jobs, because the population is to high and getting higher, the only thing here now is medical, labor, retail (maybe) or food maybe... Goodluck with everything, getting a certificate might help Example LVN, but if need of money quick labor jobs are always hiring, but there never safe.
If you live in la go to good people staffing agency there always placing
U can use me as a reference. I've been with subway for almost 10 years. I'd be honored
My dilemma is I keep getting jobs promising to last , only to continue to get laid off due to lack of work! Not even making a month, after being promised months to years!!! And my frustration is that it's seems as though the agencies just want to fill orders, without caring or having human regards! --- Does anyone hire permanently any longer?
I move here to Indiana from FL. I love it here but i dont wanna work weekends. My husband thinks it was a bad idea but theres nothing in FL..
I'm starting to think moving was a bad idea
Keep doing what you do
Whoah. Still creapy bro.
Why can't you take your GED test online? Seems to be that would be the easiest way to get the document finalized
Baby when I enter an interview I'm confident in knowing I got this,,,,the best thing u can do is ask yourself,,,,that 1 question? TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF?,,,work on it,,,what qualities u have and how well u can handle being a leader,,,because without qualities,,u just a another follower,ijs