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Kathryn T
Bullet point
Dsp at Bluewest

So, a couple of years ago I left working a huge hospital as a phlebotomist because they overload you with work and don't compensate you fairly. Plus, I ended up with an ankle injury from all the walking. It sounds crazy but apparently it is very possible. Anyway, I went to a group home for IDD adults. I kept thinking all the while I was nuts for the change and taking the pay cut. However, it turns out that I really liked what I did there. I felt like, at the end of the day, I had made a difference. I absolutely loved it even though it was tiring and taxing. I had a wonderful supervisor and a half way decent crew to work with, let's face it there are weeds everywhere. Well, about a year ago, that fabulous supervisor passed away at a very young age from a heart attack. The management team was restructured and this job I loved turned into hell. The new head honcho was terribly rude, pushy and treated the staff like crap. I didn't want to leave because I absolutely loved the clients, however, I was miserable every second of every day. Then in November my life took a huge turn for the better or worse, I'm not sure I've decided just yet. I injured my knee and ended up needing surgery. The doc put me out on light duty, which my job stopped offering. After 3 weeks of being out they let me go. I would like to say that I'm not bitter about it but that would be a complete lie. I worked hard and put my heart and soul into this place. Well, now that I've had surgery, I am going to have to take some type of job where I'm not as physical until my knee heals up, if it ever does. I'm really not sure how to feel about it. I've never had a job where I had to sit all day. I don't even sit around at home. This should be interesting. I have an interview on tues and I'm really hoping it goes well, because I am a single mother and have now been out of work almost 6 months. Definitely not easy. I'm both nervous and excited for a fresh start. I guess the most important part is taking that 1st step......

over 5 years ago
Linda Cee
Bullet point
Follow about a job in medical billing??

Michell Barker
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Machine Operator at Pepsi

That sounds about right .my story is kind of the same .I dont know if your knee injury was work related or not .Mine is and I need my knee replaced .I worked another 10 years at Pepsi after I had my meniscus removed in my right knee .Its been bone on bone for 10 years .I also walked on concreat for up to 16 hours a day those 10 years .I kept my restrictions to where I could do my bid job .That was a mistake because all I did was work and not much else because my knee allways hurt .Now just walking is a issue and I'm looking at having my knee replaced and I'm not even 60. I gave Pepsi 100% everyday good or bad when I had my restrictions changed to protect me .They cried foul and once I hit 90 day of light duty I couldnt be their anymore .I wouldnt be able to come back untill I was 100% and could do my job. Well that day would never come so I had to accept a settlement that wasnt worth what I had been threw and resign my position .If I didnt do that they would send me a letter saying They didnt have a job for me and see you later ..I can tell everyone here that when it comes to work related injuries only think of you and your family .Your employer isnt going to and you are just a liability to them and excess baggage. I wish I would have taken my own advice and I wouldnt be where I am now .Getting disability in this country is a joke .The assholes that decide if your eligible or not treat you like it's their money when it's not there's at all its ours .What makes me furious is people come here from other countries and they give them everything they can .They havent worked a day here in their life .I wont give up my fight for disability and noone else that have worked and earned that money .I wont sit silent when I have my hearing if I ever do and I'm prepared to go to jail for speaking out about their practices. I havent worked in over a year or had any income in that time either .when it comes to my hearing I have no problem saying what I feel because of how they fight to keep you from getting your money .I kept Pepsi honest for many years and as far as I'm concerned the disability people are just another group of assholes .I'm not afraid of what they can do ,if you dont fight for what you want who is going to do it for you .I have had a lawyer since day one and there is no guarantee that I will get disability ..Social security disability is like every other program in this country broken and politicians see no reason to fix it so we have to keep fighting ourselves .

Walter McLean
Bullet point

You think you had a bad since 2014 I've had three lumbar spine surgeries. Two of them being fusion. The second one actually being physically removed and chopped up and put in a blender so that the liberals can eat and drink it. Following that I've had left knee surgery for the second time in life. Right shoulder surgery and right elbow surgery. I've had right foot toe surgery. An endless amount of other pain management treatment monthly. And then recently I had a microwave procedure which that is the one thing that I am not pleased up. And prior to that a 2014 between 2016 and most of all of this has been done between 2016 and 2019. But I've had first left knee surgery in 1990 left ankle surgery in 2012 and one foot surgery and 20 04. I definitely know what it feels to get have to get things fixed to go back to work. And employer that I've been with twice actually had to let me go after 18 months that was February of 2018. You have to do what is necessary to make American great again.

Kathryn T
Bullet point
Dsp at Bluewest

Yay me. Found a better job, no stress on my knee, better hours, better benefits!!! Don't give up guys. Someone is waiting for you to walk in for that interview!!

Brenda Edwards
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Hr Manager at The Kinnamon Group

Sounds like a blessing in disguise. You go through different seasons in life but it's up to us to recognize that. Sorry to hear about your Supervisor who passed away and you don't want that to be your story staying somewhere that stresses you out. I pray your interview goes well and that next assignment that God has for you will be fulfilling. Best of luck.

Donna Weymouth
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Every day is a new beginning. We never know what is around the corner. No fear - be Joy!

Bullet point

Run with it! You will do great! No worries!

Nila J
Bullet point

Administrative or data entry jobs at a hospital or clinic would be gret for you in the meantime! Lots of sitting occasional standing if you do some filing. All the best to you and i hope u have a speedy recovery!

Mary Highsmith
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Certified Nursing Assistant at Homelife Inc

Good luck!!

John Fort
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Lab Manager Senior Analytical Chemist at Atmospheric Research Analysis Inc

Good luck!

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