A lot of the east coast, and certainly Boston, is predicting a snow blast soon. How do big weather events impact your work? Do you hunker down or suit up and ship out?

my sister works as a receptionist at a nursing home and she uses crutches because she has cerebral palsy. They made her come in on Friday and stay the weekend and she is coming home Sunday. They should have had someone else do her scheduled shift. 6:30 to 12:00 They should have cancelled the afternoon person if they were going to do that. She is not paid to stay overnight or any compensation. they knew the storm was coming but did not accommodate her and keep her off the schedule. They gave her a bed and fed her, but I feel that's wrong!!!! What do you think?????

It's good to be snowed in live in California and have been snowed in for 5 yrs now just consider it time to practice more indoor sports

have 2 songs appropriate for the times looking for backing

That's a lotta snow.😯

I see dollar signs. I do shoveling

Glad I live down here in Texas ..

I like

I Like it to. I don’t know if I can get it to. But I like it “

I think you should stock up on food and pray that you have electric and heat and stick it out.
I do not know your sister's work type. With stage 4 heart failure I would not have the stamina to travel to work each day as she does. So I have a part time remote stay at home job. If your sister could snag one of these, it might be better.