You probably won't believe me but there are soo many staff members who do not know that they have a retirement account at Virginia Retirement System, so many in fact that I found it astonishing. APS & VRS are terrible at communicating this to staff & even though they mail hand-outs, they are mostly about recipes, riding a bicycle in old age & recommend not smoking & only drinking in moderation. People need a spokesperson to help explain, create an account & feel really groovy about busting their chops. I bet if you researched this topic, contacted former retired employees to see if they are collecting, you would find a high percentage that are not. Call me crazy but it's true. I even informed VRS of this & they said they would rectify it but nothing happened. There are many international staff working at APS that do not understand this benefit & that is sad, unkind & unfair. Perhaps a little investigating would uncover what I saw for years. I'd rather have money than a tuna casserole recipe from the secret files of Martha or Betty, wouldn't you?