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I’m 19 (20 in 22 days) and I currently work at DD full time (sometimes 7 days/ week) while going to school to become a veterinary technician. I understand that when working in food service you will inevitably deal with rude and sometimes self entitled customers at some point. Well, today was one of those days when I got to work at 6am and it was rush time. I had an order for two small hot lattes. I made the lattes and they went out the drive thru window only to have one returned back through the window. I was told it was supposed to be iced (keep in mind it was rung up as a HOT latte). I then remade it as an iced and went to hand it out the window myself. The woman looked at it with a disgusted look and said “what is this?!” and I replied “it’s a latte like you ordered” she then replied (with a VERY rude attitude) “I wanted a macchiato” I then replied “it was rung up as a latte so I’ll have to give you a refund and charge you for the macchiato” (which costs more than a latte) her reply was “that’s NOT my problem. Go remake it NOW” (once again, she was very rude and had a self entitled attitude). I paused for a minute contemplating if I should say something rude back to her, but I had enough self control not to and closed the window then went to remake the drink AGAIN. I will also add that she DID order two hot lattes and she was also rude from the very beginning. Some people can’t be pleased...

over 7 years ago
Jordan Strama
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Pressroom Maintenance at Wheeling Newspaper

Smile at em and remain calm and courtious instead of wanting to pour it on em ! Lol

Kenny Agbaje
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Senior Lecturer Training Officer at The School To Land Program Lagos Nigeria

When customers behave badly to u, they are inadvertently doing so to the Company you represent, not to you! So do not take it personal. Do the best u could and NICELY too, if u don't want to loose your job. You may report extreme customer behavior to Management.

Derek Quinn
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Operations Manager at Tennessee Steel Haulers

Some people get off on being rude and obnoxious

Charles Harkins
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Enrollment Coordinator at Orb Health

Whomever it was that said, "the customer is always right" - wasn't. It is so ingrained in all of to be pleasant, polite, and tolerant that we're expected to turn the other cheek. However, the schoolyard bullies have grown up and their belief that your lunch or your homework has mutated into self-centered narcissism. This anti-social behaviour continues because we allow it... Because we're worried about being sued... Because we don't back down. We have the right - almost the social responsibility - to say no... To deny someone service... To tell them they are not welcome back. Their actions are a direct result of their own inadequacies, short-comings, and ignorance. Of course it's easy to sit here and pontificate about what should or should not have been done. First and foremost, I hope that your manager applauded your maturity in handling the situation. As for the customer, I would have handed the money back to the wench and kindly explain that you are running a business and not a daycare and that when she chose to behave herself she would be welcome back at the restaurant. Probably would have been nice to also say she has a one-week time out. That learned behavior of hers could use a little negative reinforcement. Giving your career choice for the future rolling up a newspaper and slapping her on the nose with it might not have been a bad thing but you did take the higher Road. Keep up the good work and good luck in the future

Diana Villanueva
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Scribe Ma at The Pain Center

It makes me sick how some people are! I’d never ever complain about something like that!!! I’d suck it up and take what was handed to me! I am so sorry she did that! Congratulations on going to school, I know you’ll do amazing!

Anissa Downing
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Lecturer at Self Employed

You handled the situation with dignity and grace. Stooping to her low level only makes the customer more vigilant in exercising her self-absorbed entitlement. Albeit annoying and tedious, you set a good example for the Food Industry at-large...rising above an irate customer. Way to go!

Debbie Pierson
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Salon Receptionist at Smx Management

You are absolutely right. Some people cannot be pleased. It is good that you did not lose self-control. It may be that she was having a bad day and did not realize her own mistake. Maybe she is just a rude person. Who knows? All that matters is how you behave and handle a situation. Remember, treat others the way you want to be treated. I am willing to bet that you have more happy customers than disgruntled customers. Keep smiling.....

Julia Altizer
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Staff Accountant at Real Estate Service Inc

Some people have problems that are not yours. She must be a very unhappy individual. Her problem goes beyond coffee.

Kesha Stevens
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Qa Specialist at General Motors Acceptance Corporation

I've had similar situations happen to me I haven't worked in a fast food or food restaurant but I've worked with customers that have been I irate and I had to be customer service friendly to keep my job my sanity and not come out of my character like people try to make you come out of character but always remember stay calm set back and look at the whole picture because you have to understand everybody goes through different things and different situations things happen in the course of a day to everyone good or bad so you have to always try to stay positive and keep a smile you just don't know A smile changes things well to make a long story short I applaud you for remaining professional and keeping your cool sometimes you have to woosah relax relate release but it will pay off in the end you still have your job you're still on top you made money she is spending money so just look at it like everyone was satisfied and you got through the day so with that being said have a good day. And learn how to relax relate and release and you'll have a good day

Donna TG
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Nurse Manager

This is all a part of customer service BUT i know being properly trained and implementing those skills does benefit you. DD needs to make sure it's a priority especially with the employee age groups they normally hire.. being so young. Again this is no backlash on how you feel just that DD can help you with better handling of situations or conflicts.

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