Last week, I shared a great article on How to ask for a work reference. More often than not, if you want the job, you will be asked to provide a few names of people who could vouch for you.
But, what if your old coworker reaches out to you and asks you to be a reference for them? If your inclination is to say yes, the next step is to prepare to highlight that coworker's skills and experience. Ask the person the following:
- About the company
- The job they will be doing
- Who will be receiving the reference
- Any other details they think might be helpful
Once you have answers to these questions, it’s time to write that reference letter. Check out this great article @Heath Alva posted on How to write a professional reference letter (with examples). My favorite aspect of the resources shared here, is that there are great examples and templates of ways you can best write this letter and do your coworker justice! #jobsearch #interview #application #references

This looks like a great resources! I really like to see actual examples of how to write references, resumes, even applications.

Can I write a reference for a friend? Even if we have never worked together? How would that work?
I have been asked to write references for coworkers before. Make sure you are clear, concise and of course, honest.