This can be a tough #interview question to answer! Obviously, there are tons of great (and not so great) reasons for leaving a job, but even if you feel you have a valid reason, there’s a chance your potential employer might not.
Check out our article The best 10 reasons for leaving a job to learn more!

For more money and better treatment

My company lost a lot of customers orders which required a few jobs include my job to go away.

I was fired because i made afacebook comment about the mold infestation that the general contractor refused to fix. I got fired but.. they fixed it.

My last job saudi Airlines great job my contact fenish

I was terminated from my last position. So .. not great. I either answer shortly that I was terminated, or I say I was 'made redundant' (a British term) I also like 'turfed out (also British). Normally I try to put the best spin possible. Especially for those positions where I left for a 'better' job, then that disappeared.

I hate answering this question - I have found stating the truth is very rarely a good idea - I left one job that was full time to move to a part time job while taking care of a new born and a sick relative - that is never a good idea to say in an interview because your priority isn't the job it is your family which when you are female is still a negative. I left my last job because after being asked to bend every way possible when we were in lock down, when I had to leave suddenly to pick up my daughter due to close contact at school a snarky remark was made by a high ranking person - I thought yeah not staying at a place like this were the salary is below average for industry and they then expect you to put family after them no thanks

Just moved here from Phil to Cape Coral

I have a past that went over 20 yrs it was brought to a Managers attention, and he made it very difficult to stay, while trying to prove myself, I caused further damage to my body making it impposible for me to maintain the long hours that my unique job required

I remain self-employed.
I left my last job and every job because I met my goals and looked for new opportunities to grow my skill set.