I have been working since I was 16. Always looking to do more, stay later, always be available, climb up the ladder. The higher I go, the bigger the title, the bigger the pay, the more I stressed about what was supposed to be my next move, and what next move would be considered “successful”. After health and personal struggles and continued stress, I am now realizing that as long as I do the job, any job that allows me to pay my bills, do things I enjoy and save a little, that’s all the success I need in a job to live a stress free life. Am I wrong for thinking this way? #thoughts #advice


?? I don't follow.. It also depends who the person is . Some bosses with a higher boss when told to jump ,will ask how high???

Im retired now. But there was a time and place where my Director actually ask OUR boss me or her?? Our boss replied was “ I cant fired her for doing her Job!!! Guess what happened next? The ones that wanted me fired were the crook ones me being there made them look bad. Last 13 years there until they sold the place. I have great reputation in my industry. Retired now. Good luck to you all dealing with Bad managements we still have great ones out there. Please don't give up. Many of us do care for our employees. Things will get better, they will 🙏

You are doing what's right for you. That's good.

It's called maturity! 👌

@Janet Brady--If Circle K would reduce their donations to the Salvation Army it may change the way people see their paychecks. Look at Walmart. Their corporation is separate from their philanthropy. Its all about taxes!

I like this philosophy and should apply to many. I know that's my point in life right now. Corporations do not care about people, make enough money, stay away from toxic politics, and I can bet a person would be healthier mentally, physically, and spiritually...As long as we all can make enough to live on for basic needs (home, food, car, utilities, clothing, medical care)

No your not wrong, as long as you have money set a side why not take it easy. When we are young we strive to be on top, as we grow older it really doesn't matter any more.

Nope, definitely not wrong. Your health is way more important. A job Title means nothing if you're uncomfortable in your role!
I find your sentiments on this subject quite liberating. From my own personal view, I'd have to say "you hit the nail on the head" with this one! Bravo! 👏