This past weekend I had a customer order a HAMBURGER, onion rings and a drink. When he got to the pickup window, I repeated the order and he confirmed, paid and went along his way.
Three minutes later I see the same car FLY through the drive thru and pull up right next to the window. He is screaming how there is no cheese on his hamburger!! I explain that hamburgers do not have cheese but I could get him a slice if he’d like. He got so angry that he threw the hamburger at the window! I was so angry and annoyed. How would you have reacted in this situation?!

Ignore this man. Just get him what he wants. He has more problems than you do.

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I'd have wiped myself off. Said a prayer to hold my younger and carry on to next customer. Don't let anyone have power over you or your day!

You made the situation worst by offering to get him a slice of cheese. You may have been not having your best day and decided to take this already anger customer to another level. " Poor judgment on your part".

Apologize, remade his burger, and refunded his money.

That i was totally crazy and all the time we can't think of everything. But its a right way and a wrong way of doing things.When he noticed that his burger didn't have any cheese on it all he could have done was ask you politely could you take the burger or burgers back and add cheese too it . And trust me before he came through the drive through he has some type of problems going on. And whatever he was going through it brought it too you. Yes that is a situation that would have made me deep down inside go off but through it all you had too maintain your cool and take the blame for something that was his mistake and i believe that you handled it the right way because there wasn't any other way that you could have handle it because when some one is fired up and ready to explode you can't be angry with them you are the one that must keep your composure because your customer services skills are on the line and trust me i couldn't have done any better than what you have done even though he did pissed you off and we must remember there will always be days like this especially when dealing with the public . AND I DO WISH YOU THE BEST OF LUCK AND HOPE THINGS WILL WORK OUT FOR YOU AS WELL AND I AM GLAD THAT YOU WERE ABLE TO HOLD IT TOGETHER IN SPITE OF HOW BIG OF A JERK HE WAS.

Normally for the sake of customer service, I would say something along the lines of “oh I’m so sorry. I must have misunderstood you. I thought you wanted a hamburger and not a cheeseburger. Let me get that taken care of for you.” It makes them feel like your not blaming them, while also letting them know that a hamburger and cheese burger are not the same thing. Also, any time I’ve worked with food, I’ve always verified that they didn’t want cheese when they order just a hamburger.

Allison, I am not fortunate that I ever had this opportunity to work at this type of company but I did work at at a theater once while I was in college. I worked at a theater for about over a year, but it was a part-time job. Sadly, my hours were constantly cut and I had to wait over a month just to receive my first pay check. It was still a positive experience in that I learned to work with a variety of people, albeit high school students. I gained customer service and cashiering skills.
Since then, I did get to work at department store in the summer. On one of my first days outside of the training, I had a customer that threw a car battery right at the counter. The customer yelled and used foul language at me. Yet, the automotive dept. was already closed and I couldn't locate any managers. I just tried to let the customer not get to me but I did tell a supervisor about it afterwards.
All I can say is that is still a New Year. You have the opportunity to find other work.

Being on both ends of the situation, I can tell you he did not realize he didn't say cheeseburger. That is why as a former drive thru employee I would verify their order and ask if they wanted cheese. I would have doubled over in laughter if he through food at me. Cause now he wasted his food and will have to pay again to get what he wanted. I realize you have to fill in the gap cause not everybody tells you what they want but expects you to deliver by reading their mind anyway.
What happens if you throw your hammer back at the drive through window