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Cody Torgerson
Bullet point
Co Owner at Cti Insulation

I interviewed with big company last week. I believe I had the job closed. Had a good connection with the 4 management team leaders. Although the salary posted in the job add on the Internet was incorrect. About 20,000.00 more then what it paid. When it came to the salary negotiations I said a number that was in line with what was posted. The guy stopped breathing when I told him the number and that it was posted. He then said he would have to check in into the add and he would give me a call in the next couple days. 2 days went by and I called him to check in at which time he told me that what I asked for was not the salary budget. I explained that I am still very interested in the position and would love to come to an agreement. He said he wanted to go ahead and interview a couple more people and will get a hold of me with in the next two weeks. My concern is; and question... How do I approach the concern of the employer in me starting on a lower salary, that I will not be discouraged in my job and will still give 100 percent? I have a few other offers but felt in my belly that this was the right move. I would hate for both me and the company to losee out over a typo. Has anyone ever delta with this and how did it turn out? Any advice is welcome.

over 7 years ago
Jeremiah Gupton
Bullet point
Cleaner at Refresh Cleaning

You did your part. It wasn't your fault that the employer could not believe that kind income would be asked for at the time of the interview. If that amount bothered the interviewer, then you must have done some calculations on your part. Some other person in interviews who negotiated on the salary would have never said that amount that much.

Jesse Carter
Bullet point

I honestly have not dealt with this outcome. But if you went thru a job board or temp. agency please start putting that on there sites and also Facebook, stating your willingness to accept the companies offered pay rate. Why?, because then your more believable as your telling other people the samething. Remember companies monitor your social media. They may have not gotten back to you because you could hold that ad against them, but if your posting your willingness to accept there pay rate, well that might help you. Your in my prayers.

Rosa McClain
Bullet point
Hr Operations Specialist at Southeastern Grocers Winn Dixie

Hi Cody, I think that you should move forward and interview with other companies. You have pointed out a discrepancy in their advertisement and may cause future problems due to the discrepancy. Good luck on your job hunt.

Marcos Espinoza
Bullet point
Graphic Designer Customer Service Rep at Banners Com

Know what you are worth if you have alot of experience on your past jobs and worked within thay positiin for years you can ask for more...but if you only have a year or so of experience and not much in resume then you are asking for too much.they can say no. If tbe ad saidnit pays morele rhan what he told you maybe is cuz they dont think you do not have enough experience to ask that...if you have other offers that is going to pay more.just take it, dont waste your time

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Erin Beth
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Server Waiter at Ihop

Just tell him what you told us. Anyone who is willing to take a 20K pay cut for a job must want that job.

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Tiffany Blanton
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Burger King at Al Food

That be great becaus I'm single mother with no help

Chaos Being
Bullet point
Network Administrator at Passaic County One Stop Career Center

Move on

Karen Parker
Bullet point
Communications at District Of Columbia Housing Authority

Hey cody..if its meant for you its for you.despite the salary negotiation . If they are really interested in you ..then the decision should not be that long or difficult. This Is what I consider a Tag & Drag..when you interview and they know they arent going to hire you but Drag you on..with false happened with my Daughter. Company replied to online ..set up date & time for phone interview ..never called .Told my daughter to check in with the interviewer and found out they had went with other candidate..then responded by email.."saying exactly that". Its their lost .im sure you are an asset to any company. Keep your head up.!! And good luck.

Wayne Shepherd
Bullet point
Mail Room Warehouse Clerk I at Strategy And Management Services

, have all your ducks in a row. experience, awards, any documentation, and don't mention this outside the situation again .what sad the post now seems like a lure,but let it play out.Find out who the decision maker and have a sit down

Aaron S
Bullet point

In all honesty I would take whatever offer I can get because you might not see another offer like that again. Also you said you have other offers ? My suggestion for your situation is if your other offers are (job offers) then you should accept the best offer you have thus far and still continue to wait for the big company job because they could easily go with someone else simply because you said a number outside of their comfort zone, even though it wasn't your fault they probably think your expectations are too high for their offer... also here's a good pointer, on job applications that's when you put your desired salary & at your interview you ask the manager or hiring manager what salary or wage will they start you off with and at that moment you should determine whether you wanna take the job offer or not if presented. Good luck on your job journey and I hope you get the job !

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