This report shows 2 people (one with even a bachelor's degree) applying to 60 jobs (entry level) each, and both only wound up with a SINGLE interview. Neither understood what is going on, but one thing's for sure, they aren't hearing back from employers.
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Age discrimination... but how does one go about proving it?
I think it has to do with age and your previous experience. They don't think people older than them can do the job.
Maybe a combination: age, shitty economy (unless Uber, restaurants or Amazon), too many people not enough work, a flood of immigration, globalization.
People with more education and experience are turned down because the employers' are in fear that you will take their jobs over them. Personally, I just want a job, no matter what it is. Whether it is down to the lowliest call center but something, you know?
Not having a GED. I know I can do most jobs that require you to have a GED. But no one wants to give me a break I know I can out work 99% of workers
catch 20/20
Too often, I see people who are unable to analyze or think logically for themselves.
I completely agree with Daryl and Maria. But, I would also add that recruiters do not read the resumes and are entirely dependent on the ATS software which actually misses great candidates.
Definitely age discrimination. You can see it in their eyes as you interview. What does age have to do with doing the job? Our age group are dependent, respectful, loyal which companies are not loyal anymore. It's their loss not hiring older people that they can depend on.
Hi my name is katelene I looking for a job 🙂 I am very interested.