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Michael Foy
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Assistant Manager Market at Foodlion

I've worked in the grocery business for 9 years,I grew up around the grocery business my entire life. My dad has worked for a grocery store for 30+ years and my mother has 25+ years,I'm looking to move up into a leading role,but the current store I am working for will not give me a shot,all I need is a company to take a chance on me,any jobs looking for experienced workers,I've stocked,I've cut meat,I've ran produce,I started on a register and bagging,I've worked in just about every dept.If there are any jobs looking for an experienced employee,shoot me in the right direction. #walmart #retail #9+years #management #supervisor

about 4 years ago
Michael Foy
Bullet point
Assistant Manager Market at Foodlion

My store manager has been at this location 20 years and the assistant has been there 15 their is no room to move up anymore

Jesse de la sierra
Bullet point

Try talking to your store manager first and if you cant get anywhere with him or her, have patience because store managers are frequently transferred to other stores. But dont leave your job. Trust me I know I regret having quit my job way back when I was in high school. I worked for Luckys grocery store. I started as a courtesy clerk and was not able to get a promotion all the 3 1/2 years that i worked there. I was a pretty good employee too. Always on time, neatly groomed, my uniform was always neatly ironed. You could even ask me where any item was at in the store and I could tell you the aisle and the shelf it was at without hesitation but the manager made it clear to me that he was passing me up for promotions because he just didn't like me. And so stupid me not knowing any better, I just quit and clocked out and that was that. I had no idea that i could have gone to my union rep for help and i also didnt know about managers getting transferred about every 2 years. And wouldnt you know , 6months later this manager was transferred elsewhere. If i would have stuck with it,iwould be making some decent moneyalready. But hey, you live and you learn!

Elyssa Duncan
Community SpecialistBullet point
Community Specialist

Hi @Michael Foy , have you asked your manager to have a sit-down conversation about your growth in the company? Maybe it would be a good opportunity to ask if you could discuss plans for helping you move up within the organization and inquire about where your personal areas of improvement are.
