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Mike Corso
Bullet point
Building a Community for People with Disability

Employers often include lists of both “required” and “desired” technical skills in job postings.

“Required” skills are often considered a prerequisite to performing the job successfully upon hire. For example, if you’re applying to be a chef, you may be required to possess basic cooking skills.

When an employer lists “desired” skills, they are indicating that while there are some competencies they would like to see on a resume, they may be open to hiring someone without that experience.

If you are lacking the Required Skills for a position you are interested in, I would say move on, don't apply for that job.

If, however, you are lacking Desired Skills for a position, you should definitely apply for the position. You never know.

Reading and understanding the job description is so important. #AWU #disability #jobs

about 1 year ago
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