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Paul Tobin
Bullet point
Marine Consultant at Cajun Consukting

First thing YOU must do is SPELL consulting correctly. A dive ops consultant represents an oil company, offshore oil and gas. That is what I do. My oil co. hired a lay/derrick barge (about 100 men) which I am in charge of, to pick up abandon pipeline. Under my pipeline was a bigger pipeline, in service, "HOT" gas line owned by another oil company who also had a consultant on board. The barge captain and this other consultant had a big argument about how the work was to progress.....which was really my business. They were close to a physical fist fight so I stepped in and stated how the work was to be done. That stopped a fist fight. I then spoke privately to each man, resolved conflict through "forgiveness concept", each party agreed to work together to safely complete the job. Weather had a part in this as it was a heavy seaway and made work conditions dangerous leading to frustrations each man felt. Captain Paul L. Tobin

over 7 years ago
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