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Janelle Fitzpatrick
Bullet point
Marketing/ Sales/ Customer Service ~ *Rockstar*

"When looking for a job, make it your job to find a job!" "NEVER apply to opportunities late in the afternoon, shows laziness!" My father was most wise. He did not finish school however, had the business smarts and gumption to run a multi-million dollar business. Unfortunately, we are no longer living in the times where you can walk right in an establishment and ask for an application, speak to hiring person same day-- walking out with a job! WE are up against many applicants. Especially, work from home jobs! Just think about it.... there are 100's or sometimes thousands of applicants to one posting. I remind myself that when the going gets tough push on! Break open those gates and push right on through! Perseverance and thick skin helps allot! #thoughts #looking #pushon #dontgiveup #faith

over 2 years ago
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