This long 3-day weekend is a great time to celebrate at a parade, enjoy some fireworks or maybe host a backyard BBQ. But keep in mind that not all workers get this weekend or Monday off.
For a ton of people, Labor Day weekend is an important time for…labor. Some call it business as usual and others use this weekend to boost their cash flow. Restaurant, hotel, and retail employees are three important groups most likely to be working on Monday – and their hard work plays a huge part of what makes this 3-day weekend so much fun.
So let’s show some extra appreciation to all the workers who make this holiday weekend a great one. Tip appropriately (maybe a little extra), have patience and above all, celebrate safely. #LaborDay
How will you spend your Labor Day Weekend? Relaxing? Working? Both?

Definitely worth tipping a little extra on holidays👍

Hope everyone got to enjoy!

Thank you for sharing.

@Jennifer Young Hello Jennifer, I will definitely be spending my Labor Day doing a little bit of both, work a little during the day and then enjoy my evening with family, I think I hit a good balance. Happy Labor Day everyone! 👍🏼


I'll be working most of the weekend

Happy Labor Day!
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