Why not? Hair clean and combed, clothes clean and pressed, body clean with no disturbing odors, teeth brushed, shoes cleaned, black straight, head high, handshake firm.... smile glowing.... why not?
When you look good, you feel good. When you look good, feel good, and smell good you represent yourself as a high-quality professional who is also approachable.
This means, more opportunities to grow and thrive in your career. :) Woot woot!
Workplace Bootcamp with Wellness Coach Lady Love. Accepting New Clients.
Are you ready to Show Up, Show Out, Shine, and Get those Raises? 1 on 1 or group coaching sessions are available.
And if you need assistance with getting the apparel and hygiene items needed to be successful, contact me. Together, let's work on gaining those resources for you.
~Lady Love #wordsofadvice #jobsearch #interview

Yes and also take a look at your car. Yes yes they do sometimes look at it. Why? It is simple it tells a bit about you. Is there a lot of body damage that happened and never repaired? That may look like you are someone who says "At least it runs" What they are thinking is " I wonder if that is what our equipment here will look like in 6 months. How about its overall inside and outside condition is it dirty and full of fast food sacks and empty soda cans not to mention the cigarette butts on the floor? Gee to them they are thinking "Is that is what his/her desk or workstation will be like in a few months?" I imagine they would rather see a older vehicle in good shape as to one that is fairly new and in horrible shape. It also could also make you seem like you are responsible and not lazy.
That's real good! Wonderful points my friend! :)