N/A to many negative comments.

what crime against nature counts as a felony ?

While you are waiting for the record to be expunged, have you thought about teaching online in an official or unofficial capacity. It may not have all the same benefits but you would be still teaching, tutoring, building your resume and gaining experience.

If parents found out the school would have a problem on their hands too.

After looking up what crime against nature is. You think a school will hire someone with a sexual crime charge? Not when it comes to children. I would try looking at 711. You screwed up your chances of a career in teaching, and it won’t happen.

Charge against nature? A felony? Not sure what you mean. Many are given a second chance. keep the search moving and keep the faith. Good tings come to those who persevere. Good luck!
generally they don't let people who commit "crimes against nature" around children. And they never should.