In a world where customer service is the fore front of every business, I feel that it is important to really understand what customer service really is . To me customer service is about providing a great customer expierence. If you think about it, as a customer most times it's not just the product that keeps you going back to your favorite brand , its the expierence you have with the brand. Did they meet all of your needs, did they provide great support, was the staff friendly , did you enjoy your EXPIERENCE when you visited last? So to me, when I am providing customer service, I try to ensure that the customer has a great expierence so that they contuine to frequent the business.
What is customer service to you? #customer #customerservice #renti #wordsofadvice #retention

Customer service is to help them with nicely with their needs to satisfy them with your best affort.They have to come back to provide business for your company sucess

Customer service is providing outstanding service top your customers WHILE working flawlessly with your peers to create an efficient team!

Customer service is going the extra mile. Priority is giving attention to the customer needs.

Customer service is someone who will represent you if you have any questions on a certain products or even issues they give you advices on certain item produce issues and other services whatever questions you have on certain subjects

I too agree 100%. Take for instance just getting take out. My husband and I will pass by a chain restaurant that gave us bad service and drive extra miles to the one that gave us good service. The food is the same. But because we were treated with respect we don't mind driving the extra miles.

100% agree! To me great customer service is a way of telling someone else that you respect them & appreciate them. Especially if you are in a sales position, they are the ones helping you grow your income, regardless, people should always treat others with respect & kindness!! Like I always tell my pre-school students, be a bucket filler, not a bucket dipper!! ;)
Yes Andre you are correct It always good to treat people the way you want to treated And you are awesome thankyou for educating me!:)