You might be let go from your job and it's hard news to take. Your emotions will be running hot and you might want to take some drastic actions, like this former Walmart employee.
Don't, take a deep breath, collect yourself and calmly leave. These are the times when we dust ourselves off and move on to better things, leaving our potential work contacts on a good note (your coworkers, etc).

WalMart associate cart 🛒

Chris, It's time to move on. Jazz up your resume and get out there. I'm sure as an assistant manager, your worth more than 18 an hour.

I'm not doing this because I was fired! I'm doing this because I've been with this company for almost 13 years and I'm only making 18 an hour. I've busted my ass to become the assistant manager and I'm pretty much topped out at 18 an hour. There are guys making almost as I am and they don't know what I know and cant do half the things I can do

Is he looking for a job and does he have reliable transportation

i loss my job a few weeks ago over a lie was there for almost 5 yrs i loved my job made good money. It was over all just because a few people didn’t like me because i kept to my self it was alittle buddy system they took my career was taking from me because of it an i’m a single father but i will not let them win i have other opportunities an im taking them to better my self !i just wish there was justice for people like me that got done wrong !i could of called the main place an told them what’s really going on there but i didn’t it wouldn’t do any good anyways . i was real mad over this but after i columned down i realized they did me favor by letting me go now i have jobs thrown at me making more money than what i was making! so i’m blessed that i have the opportunity to move forward !! Don’t let people get the best of u let karma take its place it will hit them where it hurts sooner or later

The world is a small place. Burning bridges usually comes back to haunt you. Think of the new opportunities that await and take away the positives from your previous position as they will serve you well as you move forward.
You can definitely write a really nasty email (or 2 or 3 or 50). Just make sure you never send it.

sometimes it isn't even about your competency. sometimes it is because of other reasons. "right to work law" provides the employer any excuse. There will be other places to find employment and you will enjoy it even more including the enviroment.

I believe that too. I'm going to let God lead me in my job career this time. Thanks for your comment.

If you get fired from your job that's because, God is letting you know that you are meant for a different path. One where God guides you and not some system that is only focused on control and money. 1. No matter how much they make it seem like they have control they don't. Only God does. 2. Money may pay your rent/ mortgage, your bills, clothes, food, etc. But it's not a god, infact it prevents us from realizing our true God given talents, because we're so focused on whether we've got enough money for what we think we need it for, we don't see that it's not what we need it's just what we were told that we needed so much that we believed it, and turned it into a way of life. More Money Means Happiness. Wrong More Money Means More Stress, Responsibility, and less Happiness. Be who God Created you to be. Lost your job. Thank God. Now ask God what He wants you to do.
Yeah, unless it's your exes car!