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Lawrence White

Community Specialist
Each year, MilitaryX helps thousands of veterans find their next career move.
Register to attend this exciting hiring event at New York City Veteran Virtual Job Fair
- Event Details - Tuesday, April 6, 2021, from 11a - 2p, (Virtual/Remote).
- You meet and interview with employers via text from your desktop or laptop browser; our platform supports Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge
Past employers in New York City have included Amazon, Apple, and TSA. These and other great employers have hired veterans full-time across a swathe of industries ranging from accounting, to IT, to HR, to sales.
Click the 'Register' button to sign into your MilitaryX Virtual Job Fairs profile.
- If you don't have a profile yet, you can create one in under 5-minutes.
After you login, you can register your profile for the New York City event on April 6, 2021.
Hope you are able to attend!
#MilitaryX #hiringnews #jobsearch #veteran #NewYorkCity #NewYork #fulltime #parttime #warehouse, transportation #security #IT #administration #Management
almost 4 years ago
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