You're being interviewed for a position but once they see what you made at your last place of work and because it's higher than what they're willing to offer you instantly become "overqualified"?

Never tell or list what you were making in your last position. It really isn't anyone's business anyway but you.

Let's negotiate

I'm just very new and looking for ajob.

Truly too me that is kind of dum i mean if you applied for the position and they explained to you that the pay is less than what you were making at your previous job and if you are in truly in need of a job and you know about everything because they have explained it too you and you are still willing to except the lower pay rate why not give you the position if everything was explained too you so that you could understand but to judge you because you were making more at your previous job and then turn around and tell you that your are overqualified that's wrong and what i would have done is ask question why is they embarrassed of there job of hiring certain type of people that have made larger sum of money from their previous job. I just don't get it. so from what i can see from my point of view they would have prefur a person who was making a lower sum of money and if they applied they would have gotten the position because it would seem too them that they would have a pay increase. OH! really if they had to come in that matter no the job wasn't for you something better will come along for you and i do wish you the best truly i do. I DO WISH YOU THE BEST GOOD LUCK

They would rather hire someone with little or no experience with a degree than hire someone with a proven track record -- I'm getting the same thing; all the applications ask for last salary in particular positions. I think I am going to try to leave those blank; since I'm not good at lying.

Yes I am trying hard for a job,I applied but not hearing back r theses job placements fucken fake ir what lol,hala lua

I highly suspect they're afraid that they'll hire you then you'll immediately move on to greener pastures. Of course the fact that you may not want to "move on" doesn't seem to cross their minds and heaven forbid they should actually interview you and find out that no, you don't want to go to back to a high stress/high demand situation and would be quite happy to be able to go home at the end of the day and leave work at work.

I hope it was worth it

All the time
Yes, that has happened to me since we changed cities.