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Lawrence White
Community SpecialistBullet point
Community Specialist

Starting June 28 through July 2, Denny's will hit the road from St. Louis to Los Angeles to recruit applicants for its 20,000 open restaurant jobs.

"With the country continuing to open back up, Denny's is committed to inviting Americans across the country to get back to work." - John Miller, Chief Executive Officer at Denny's Corporation

Find a Denny's location near you and apply online before attending the national hiring event! Start your hiring process today at Denny's - America's Diner Hiring Tour

Americas Diner want to hire 20,000 hourly positions including cooks, host/hostess, servers, service assistants and restaurant managers.

The first 25 interviewees at each of Denny's 1,600+ brick-and-mortar locations will receive a coupon for a free Red, White and Blue Pancake Breakfast to be redeemed at that visit or through Tuesday, August 31.

The America's Diner Hiring Tour is designed to support all job seekers, regardless of their level of experience, professional field, or background, and at each location there will be application stations set up for job seekers to easily apply.

Application Tips:

If you decide to apply for this job opportunity, make sure to include an optimize resume with your online application.

Doing this will significantly improve your application rating and increase your probability to get called in for an interview.

You can also maximize your hiring potential for this and other job opportunities by following these quick and easy online application strategies, see Jobcase app: profile tips to get hired for more information.

Feel free to reach right back to us on this post if you have any questions before you apply. Thanks & Good Luck!

#Dennys #hiringnews #jobsearch #fulltime #parttime #server #cook #host #foodservice #NationWideUSA

over 3 years ago
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