Hot topics for job seekers on Jobcase!

Last updated: September 15, 2024
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Ashley Wilson
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Content Manager at Jobcase
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Hot topics for job seekers on Jobcase!
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The world we knew yesterday is different from today and will be different from tomorrow. It's important now more than ever to **connect with others **and discover what is going on.

Join in the conversations below and share your expertise! If you start your very own, your conversation could be featured next week!

Now let's take a look at some of the hot conversations current job seekers on Jobcase are chatting about.

Working from home

Working from home has become widely popular since the start of COVID and is growing more so every day, but it's not for everyone. Some prefer the convenience of working from home where others just can't stand the thought of being stuck there. Fellow Jobcase member Doreen says, "I would rather work from home absolutely!! Less office politics." What do you think? Would you rather work from home OR be paid more?


Ageism has ALWAYS been a hot topic, from being asked when you graduated high school to being treated as outdated and obsolete by employers. Fellow Jobcase member Brenden says, "I'm 58 and have experience in a number of areas and keep getting turned down. And flat out told I'm too old. Yep, too old. They want people who are 40 or younger and the younger the better because they can train them up the way they want them." What do you think? Can someone be too old to work?

If I could...

Times are tough and when you look for a job even tougher. Here are some things that job seekers on Jobcase are chatting about that they wished they had right NOW! Fellow Jobcase member Janice says she wants, "Equal opportunity and peace."
** What do you think?** What would YOU ask for right now if you could receive it?

Following up

Following up is a great way to thank the employer for their time and mention one or two more things you may have forgotten or overlooked during the interview. Yet not everyone sends a follow-up or thinks it is necessary to land the job. Fellow Jobcase member Carter says, "I understand the point in doing this. In all honesty. I'm beginning to think it's a waste of time. I've heard actually say this to me, and to top it off: waste of postage. Yes. I do believe in doing it, but I really don't think it makes a difference."
What do you think? Is it THAT important to follow up?

We hope you enjoyed this week's edition of Jobcase hot topics!

Stay tuned for more hot conversations next week or start your very own.



Lee sara
Bullet point

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Felicity Steven
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I find that this helpful supporting information makes it easy for new job seekers like me. I want to find a job where I can work and play stickman fighter at the same time

Sam Waters
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beans 123
Bullet point

Working from home can be a good option. Some working from home representatives even travel while they work, for fnf mods however long there's a dependable web association so they can get done with their task obligations. While telecommuting can be exceptionally engaging and accompanied many advantages, there are likewise expected downsides to consider while changing to a work-from-home position.

coalition strengthen
Bullet point

The job market is competitive and difficult, and it is much more challenging when you are actively looking for work. The following is a list of things that users dordle of Jobcase who are now looking for work wish they had right now: According to Janice, another member of Jobcase, her goals include "equality and peace."

Donna Failes
Bullet point
Home Health Aide at First Light Home Care

Ageism. Yes... I am turning 68 this year and have been in home health care for almost 30 years. Was a nurse but went to working as home health aide which requires us to be very personal with our patients but very physical --- back breaking work. For a few years my back pain has been getting worse and can no longer do all this bending over and picking things up as required by this job. I had worked in an office as bookkeeper for 6 years when teenager and looking for office job again. But... will someone hire me? Looking for work-at-home, such as data entry. Will see what happens.
